Guides, Maps and Legends

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Legend: Sun

 Please see the Introduction To Rabbit Hole Legend A-Z post for information about sources and purpose

Sun: Beatles song titles include Here Comes the Sun, Sun King, Good Day Sunshine, I'll Follow the Sun and from the Love album "Nus Gnik". There is also Paul McCartney's Good Times Coming/Feel The Sun, Sun is Shining, and Ou Est la Soleil. Also there is the association with Cirque Du Soleil with the Love Album Show. See also Dawn and Sunflower for more relationships 

"Although the Sun is generally masculine element that balances the feminine Moon, there are nevertheless several Sun Goddesses as well as Sun Gods. For many, though, the glory of the Sun makes it the absolute physical manifestation of the Godhead- or the Supreme Being- and therefore beyond mere sex. The sun also equates to the Eye of God, as depicted, for example, in the sun-like rays of the All Seeing Eye of the Masonic tradition. Some tribal peoples see the sun as the "good," right eye of this Divine Being, whereas the moon is the "bad," left eye. 

To our ancestors, when the sun tipped over the edge of the sky on the western horizon it disappeared into the Land of the Dead. They believed, therefore, that as well as being the bringer of life, the Sun could also take life away- Godlike powers indeed. [...] As such, the Sun becomes a malevolent force. Generally, however, the heat and light of the Sun are seen worldwide to be celestial gifts conferred to our planet and all the life to which it plays host.

The Sun is personified, symbolically, in many differing ways, including the petals of flowers (particularly the Sunflower), [...] For the Druids, the Stag represents the Sun. In alchemy, gold is the metal of the sun." (ISS)

"As the celestial body that outshone all others, the sun became an inevitable symbol of royalty. In the long Egyptian history of Sun worship, Pharaohs were so identified with the sun itself that even priests of the great reforming Pharaoh Akhenaten described him as being formed from soar rays. The symbolic links between royalty and the sun were transferred to the metal and hue Gold. At their accession , rulers of the Inca empire in Peru were once covered in resin sprayed with gold dust, hence the Amazonian legends of E Dorado (the gilded ones). At their death they were embalmed as 'children of the sun' and seated in temples on golden thrones.

Sixteenth-century English courtiers made play with the idea of Henry VIII as the sun around which they revolved, and in the following century the architecture and statuary of Versailles were designed to symbolize the absolute monarchy of Louis XIV as the Sun King.

(under Divinity) The sun was seen everywhere as the center of the universe and has been worshiped as an actual divinity in innumerable cultures and traditions, if not always as the supreme deity. The Emperors of Rome abandoned the cult of Sol, their sun deity, only when Constantine converted to Christianity in 324ce. So popular with the Roman army was the male solar cult of Mithraism based on the Indo-Iranian sun god) in the 3rd century, that the Emperor Aurelian names 25 December as the birthday of Mithras, the 'Unconquerable Sun'- a choice of date which was soon taken over by Christianity as the emblematic birthday of Jesus, the new God of Light.

In Peru and Egypt, where sun cults reached their highest form of development, the supposed kinship between the monarchy and the 'father' god, allowed kings to claim divine status for themselves.

Purely as a symbol of divinity, the sun is often seen as the principle agent of a supreme being. In Christian, Islamic and Hindu tradition, it represents the Eye of God, an embodiment of his all-knowing, all-seeing power and a guiding force radiating love and life-force. Dante declared that no other visible thing was more suitable a symbol of God himself."" (1,001S)  

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