Rain: Most famously, the Beatles' song, Rain, but also Fixing a Hole (where the rain gets in!), Penny Lane (in the pouring rain), Hey Bulldog (Sheepdog standing in the rain), I'll Follow the Sun (for tomorrow may rain), Across the Universe (words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup), I Am the Walrus (if the sun don't come, you get a tan from standing in the English rain), The Long and Winding Road (that the rain washed away), Two of Us (wearing raincoats). As well, we also have Paul McCartney's song, Driving Rain, Too Much Rain, Rainclouds and a number of songs by John and George that use the lyric, "Rain".
"Vital symbol of fecundity linked to divine blessings or punishments. Emblem of purity." (CESS)
Rain drops can symbolize heaven's tears and the accompanying lightening can be seen as heaven's anger (for example, thunderbolts were the favored weapon of Zeus, etc.). Rain is a symbol for tears, sorrow, anger, cleansing, renewal, forgiveness and more -- usually on a heavenly, worldly or very large sort of personal scale. This is not a visual symbol for small sorrows or everyday events." <Source>
"Large drops of rain warn that there has just been a death. If rain falls on a funeral procession, the deceased will go to heaven. " <Source>
See "Moondog" for a approaching storm symbolism.
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