I'm going to go through a few of the numbers I feel are relevant to the Beatles Mystery, and may add numbers and sources over time. For the sake of relevance and brevity, I'm not going to list all known associations for these numbers, just the things I find interesting.
**please see end of blog for sources but briefly, for context: the first set of information is from a Signs and Symbols book that I use throughout my blog (ISSS), the items labeled (CE) are from Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia, and the items labeled (CE-AC) are from an appendix section from that book that includes Aleister Crowley's addition to the Cabalistic numeric associations.
1:One- I'm going to begin with the number one, mainly because it's logical, but at this time, the only references to "One" that I can think of (other than in the counts as noted above) is "One After 909" and Paul McCartney's song, "This One".
"The straight line is one of the simplest basic symbols.[...] One is the number of confidence, and of the One God, but it is also the number of the "one-ness" of the many. It is the number of the first mythological human, Adam. It is the World Tree and the Axis Mundi. Turn this line on it's side, and it becomes the Horizon.
In the Yantric number system of the Hindus, One, or Ekah, stands for the universality of spirit, called the Para Brahman. This energy is beyond the laws of time and space. Despite the multitude of deities in the Hindu system, the One stands for the unifying spirit that binds them all into the same energy." (ISSS)
"Crown; Unity" (CE)

**Runic Connections~ 1 is the rune of Dhoarnn, (ph, th-thorn). This means: Thorn, irritation, hostility, regeneration, Cone, horn, Inception, the White Virgin, Thistle. Hidden destructive forces- wait with patience- learn from the past- beware. Giant." (aleph)
"`The Arabic number 2 does some interesting things when you hold it up to a mirror; it forms the shape of a heart, the universal symbol for love and, specifically, two people in love.[...]
Despite the number 2 being somehow better than the number 1, two is the number of division. [...]
The Pythagoreans saw 2, or the Duad, as a symbol of opposition and also of audacity, because it had the cheek to separate from the first number.[...] If 1 represents the Heavens, then 2 is the depths of the seas, which reflected the Heavens and therefore 2 was capable of illusion and became associated with Maya, the Great Void. The Magi carried mirrors with them as a reminder of this illusion, since mirrors reflect, another quality of the 2.
The number 2 gives us positive and negative aspects of all things; indeed, without the number 2, positive and negative themselves would not exist. Day and night, light and dark, good and bad, male and female, attraction and repulsion, life and death." (ISSS)
Duality, the Duad" (CE)

3:Three- Reference is made subtly by Ringo, John and George of there being "3 Beatles". Ringo's drum head during the "I Am The Walrus" portion of MMT looks to say, "Love the 3 Beatles". On the Sgt. Pepper album cover, there are 3 sticks crossed, laying on what looks like a left-handed bass, that could be thought to spell out "Paul?"
"It's because the number 3 gives us the potential circle- and a new dimension- that it becomes the first true magical number. There are countless examples of groups of three: the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost; the Triple Jewel of Buddhism in which Buddhists take refuge[...] the three Fates; and the three parts of time, Past, Present, and Future.
There's a satisfaction about things that happen in threes, a feeling of "third time lucky" and the completion of a cycle.
The Triad represents the first "equilibrium of unities" and it was for this reason that the God Apollo used a tripod from which to give oracles. Three was seen as the number of wisdom, understanding and knowledge." (ISSS)
the triangle, triad" (CE)
"Father; to come, go" (CE-AC)

**Runic Connections~ 3 is the rune of Yar, Yor (j- Ger). This means: seasonal cycle, marriage of heaven and earth, hypercube, hologram, grey, phase shift, fog, a years time, unit, a fertile season, beneficial outcome or harvest of labors, reward for hard work, the unfolding moment. (Gimel)
4: Four- Originally there were 4 Beatles, the Fab Four.
"Now a new shape can be made which had no way of existing previously. As the third point of the number three gave us the triangle, a fourth point gives us potential not only for the square, but also for the cross. [...].

Four has a wholeness about it, an organized an orderly number that likes to make sense of things. There's something about the square that is protective and stable, which holds things, box-like, within the embrace of its confines.[...]
In alchemy, there are four key ingredients that go towards the Philosopher's Stone; these are sulfur, mercury, salt and azoth. In the Tarot, 4 is the number of the Emperor, the archetypal male figure, the father, the King, the patriarch, who likes to create order and harmony in the Universe that is enfolded within the number itself , which hold a hidden secret: if the numbers within 4 are added together- 1+2+3+4, the whole adds up to 10, which implies the start of a new cycle; a rebirth or reincarnation." (ISSS)
"Mercy; the number of human limbs; proud" (CE)

**Runic Connections~ 4 is the rune of Dea (d- daeg). This means: Day, hope, highest good, polarization, polarity of light and dark, magician, strength, period of prosperity, break-through, inspiration, great self change, challenges ahead." (dalet)
5:Five- "the Fifth Beatle". Was that Brian Epstein, Mal Evans, Neil Aspinall, Pete Best, Stuart Sutcliffe, Billy Preston, George Martin....or Billy Shears/William Campbell/Billy Shepard?
In the Western world there are four elements, but in the East there's a fifth, or quintessence, that binds them all together, called ether. Alchemists indicate this with the five-petaled rose in the center of a cross, redolent of the Rose Cross Lamen.[...]
Pancha is the number 5 in the Yantric system, and it stands for the five functions of the Divine, namely: creation, preservation, destruction, obstruction, and liberation.
In the Tarot, 5 is the number of the Hierophant, or the Pope, who represents the face of God on Earth." (ISSS)
the number of senses; the number of fingers on one hand; the number of human limbs counting the head; the number of lumbar vertebrae in the human spine;
Vapor, Mist;
Elevation, top;
Pit, waterhole" (CE)

"Mist, Vapor; Back" (CE-AC)
**Runic Connections~ 5 is the rune of Yer (yr). This means: bow, artisan, creative skill, shaping space, craftsman's pride, time cycle, building, construction, turning harshness to comfort, arts venture, working with ones hands, creation. (Vav)
8:Eight- The song "Eight Days a Week", and Ringo's album, "Liverpool 8" and Paul's song, "Figure of Eight"
For Pythagoras, the 8 or Ogdoad was called the "little holy number" and considered sacred for several reasons. The cube has 8 corners.[...] The serpents that twist up the staff of the caduceus make figure-of-eight shapes.
There are eight trigrams in the I Ching that go to make up the 64 hexagram, itself constructed of 8x8. [...]
In Hindu belief, each of the eight directions of the earth are ruled over by a God. These 8 divinities are related in turn to the eight petals of the lotus that resides, symbolically, inside the skull, a reminder of the microcosm and the macrocosm. Additionally there are said to be 8 qualities that belong to God; these are innocence, purity, self-knowledge and omniscience, freedom from impurities, benevolence, omnipotence, and bliss.
In the Tarot, 8 is the number for Justice, again reflecting the universal idea that 8 is the number of balance. It is the first card of the second set of the Major Arcana, reinforcing the idea of 8 as a symbol of renewal.
"Splendor; the number of Sephiroth on the Sufi Tree of Life;
The number of Santa's reindeer;
Love; Then; Breast;
In itself, in the...is, that in it" (CE)
"To will, intend; Then
Desired, Beloved;
The entrance, threshold;
To be anxious, grieve;

**Runic Connections~ 8 is the rune of Mann, Monn (M). This means: Humanity, mortal body, simplicity, androgyne, Tao, Know Thyself, be modest, do not seek credit, wait for reward, live in the present, understand the transitory, moon. (plus the rune standstill means, "I am") (Het)
9:Nine- The most common number associated with the Beatles. John referred to this number often saying, "nine is a lucky number". There is quite a lot of connection between John and the number 9, as you can read more about here: <Read about John's connection to the number 9> Songs containing the number 9 include,, "Revolution #9" "One ofter 909" John's "Number 9 Dream", and both George and John refer to "Cloud 9" in solo songs.
"As it is 3x3, the number 9 has magic status and is a sacred number. For Hindus, it is the number of the Lord Brahma, the Creator. It is also seen as a symbol for perfection and unity[...]
The Pythagoreans recognized the 3x3 as the Ennead, which is the first square of an odd number, sometimes even seen as evil because it is the inversion of the number 6. However, it was also considered limitless because there was nothing beyond it but infinity as represented by the number 10, the perfect Decad.
The Eleusinian mysteries described the nine spheres through which human consciousness must pass in the journey of its rebirth into a new body.[...] The Ancient Romans held feasts of purification for newborn boys when they were 9 days old, and buried their corpses nine days after actual death.
In the Tantric system, 9 is called Nava. There are nine virtues of Dharma, the rules of living according to divine law.
Because it is the last single-digit number, there is a sense of completion and wholeness about the number 9. It is for this reason that nine represents achievement and culmination of a task. In addition, nine is the zenith of achievement for a single-digit number. Because human embryos need nine months of gestation, nine is the number of man. Man also has nine physical apertures, symbolizing the nine channels of communication with the world. There are nine known planets in our Solar system. In the Tarot, 9 is the number for the Hermit.
It's interesting to note that 666- also described as the number of the Beast- adds up to 18 using numerology, and 1+8 is 9. No great evil there, but a simple matter of fact." (ISSS)
"Foundation; Brother;
Booty, Prey;
Come, come in, come out, come upon, go down;
Back; Shout of Joy" (CE)
"Ventriloquus: the special 'fire' of black magic; Whence Obi Obeah;
He kindled; Brother; Garment;
Became powerful, grew high;
Middle; Splendor" (CE-AC)
**Runic Connections~ 9 is the rune of (th)Ing. It means: Here, God, consort of earth goddess, generative force, creative power, great potential energy, sexuality, magic, new path, heroism, divine guide, emergence from habit. (Tet)
For your consideration:
11:Eleven- On the Drum head on the cover of the Sgt. Pepper album, if one holds a mirror up to the design, it says, 1 One IX, He Die. Some people take this to mean Paul died on November 9th (11-9), but considering they were British, and the British write the dates the other way, it could mean September 11th (9-11). Either way, 11 is involved.
"Eleven is considered to be the number of woman, since the female has 11 apertures in her body. The unborn child receives 11 divine powers via these holes. Numerologists consider that 11 is a "Master Number" that should not be reduced down into a single digit.
However, some traditions are suspicious about 11. If 10 is the number of completion and wholeness, then there is an idea that 11 must be the number of excess and extravagance.[...] The eleventh hour has a sense of urgency about it. since the clock runs to 12, then this is that last hour in which something can be done. The First World War ended on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, of course.
The black magician Aleister Crowley was especially fond of the number 11, since it carries occult significance. The "K" that he added to the word "magic" enjoys special status because it is the eleventh letter of the alphabet.
The eleventh card of the Tarot is either Justice or Strength. This card stands at the mid-point of the numbered series of cards." (ISSS)
"The number of Magic (according to Crowley);
Where? Island;
Feast; Gold, Golden; Arrogant" (CE)
Firebrand, volcanic fire: the special 'fire' or 'light' of the Sacred Magic of Light, Life and Love- hence 'Odic Force'
Where?; When?;
to tear, cut, attack;
Gold; Proud, haughty; to conceal;
A circularity of form or motion; a feast" (CE-AC)
**Runic Connections~11 is the combination of the runes for 1 and 10 (Dhoarnn and Assk). They work together to create a synthesis of meaning. Combine the meanings of Dhoarnn from 1, above, with the meanings for Assk.

1 is the rune of Dhoarnn, (ph, th-thorn). This means: Thorn, irritation, hostility, regeneration, Cone, horn, Inception, the White Virgin, Thistle. Hidden destructive forces- wait with patience- learn from the past- beware. Giant." (aleph)

One of the resulting sound combinations if "Phae" or Fae, another way to say fairy.
23:Twenty-three - This number is significant because it is seen on the Yellow Submarine movie poster, and is closely associated with the Illuminati.
"Known as the Royal Star of the Lion, in purely numerological terms 23 is an auspicious number, announcing help from higher places or people, success and fame. However with 23, all is not quite so simple and much of the mysticism surrounding this number comes from a relatively recent source, Discordianism, more of which in a moment.
If 22 is somehow able to encompass the whole of the Universe, then what of the numbers that come after it? As its immediate successor, logically, 23 must herald the beginning of a completely new world, a world not ruled by the same harmonious laws of the preceding 22. In addition, 23 comprises 2 (female) plus 3 (spiritual energy), combining to make 5, the number of harmony and balance, reflected nicely by the 23 chromosomes that are contributed by the male and female during conception.
This belief has had far-reaching effects, and it's fair to say that the Discordians influenced writers such as Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, who write about the 23 Enigma and the rule of 5s (2+3=5) in their Illuminatus Trilogy. There are even two movies about this phenomenon. The most recent is The Number 23, starring Jim Carrey, in which his character is so much in the thrall to the number that he believes is controlling his life that he gradually descends into madness. The other movie is also called 23, further enhancing the conspiracy theories surrounding the number with its plot- computer hackers stumble upon secret societies that all share a link to the number 23." (ISSS)
"Corresponds to water;
Life, living, living thing;
'lesser;" (CE)
"Parted, removed, separated;
Joy; A thread'
Life" (CE-AC)
**Runic Connections~23 is the combination of the runes for 20 and 3 (Kaen and Yar). They work together to create a synthesis of meaning. Combine the meanings of Yar from 3, above, with the meanings for Kaen (20).

20 is the rune of Kaen, (K, C, cen). It means: Torch, light, warmth, fire, illuminate, flail, new light on old matters, clearing misunderstanding, the light of reason, new clarity, ability (can). (Kaf).

Together they make the word "York", and JC.
(ISSS)- The Illustrated Signs & Symbols Sourcebook: An A to Z Compendium of Over 1000 Designs
by Adele Nozedar; Metro Books, NY. 2010.
(CE)- Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia: A Complete Guide to Cabalistic Magic by David Godwin; 3rd Edition. Llewellyn Publications. 2002.
(CE-AC) the Last 'Appendix' in the above book, "Sepher Sephiroth"; reprinted from Aleister Crowley's book The Equinox. 1912.
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