Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Dream Train

I had an interesting dream a couple nights ago, and I'm going to share it. I don't dream vividly very often, so when I wake up with a strong visual memory, I like to take note.

I dreamt that I was in a Mine Tunnel with John Lennon, and unspecified "others". The mine tunnel was like the one's you see in movies- dirt walls and ceilings with wooden beams. It had a train track running through it, and there was a set of platform train cars. They weren't boxcars, just multiple old-fashioned looking platform cars with creosoted wooden beams across the chassis.  I was with John, and we were walking along the train, tucking little white pieces of paper into little nooks and crannies about the train. They were little messages. At the end of the dream, John and I decided to place one in the beam of the tunnel. This was seen by us as being extra special- only for those who looked really hard.

I don't think dreams are usually anything more then the amalgamation of various thought processes throughout one's day, conscious or unconscious, so I'm not saying anything here about dream interpretations or whatnot. This is clearly a result of my distraction with hunting down clues and following the Beatles down the mystery holes, but it did help me remember where to go next (ah, after I finish my next couple projects in front of me). It's the messages hidden inside the vehicle (music) that was sent out into the world that I need to show you, next. That's where to go. I've been on this for a long time already, and have been cuing for this, but I just found out my Audacity program is broken, so it's inspiration for me to start figuring out a fix for that, and then figure out how to post sound-clips into a blog. Any suggestions are welcome.

I do have to say though, my dream also made me think of two things:

and the song remixed by Iamaphoney, but I'll post the original here, "Brian Epstein Blues"

Come to think of it, trains feature prominently with the early Beatles...I think I will add that to my Legend, soon.

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