Please see the Introduction To Rabbit Hole Legend A-Z post for information about sources and purpose
Hand: Hands are a common "clue" for "Paul is Dead" theorists. There are a number of pictures with a hand above his head, which has led to speculation as to what this might mean. Also, Paul's "
Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey" song features a second half singing about, "Hands across the water, Hands across the sky".
"Word origins frequently give clues as to the nature of objects and ideas. The Latin word for hand is
which carried the same root as the word, among others, "manifestation";
a clear indication that to be "manifest" is to be held in the hand or
created by the hand. [...] In the Kabbalah, the left hand of God
signifies justice, and his right hand, mercy. Blessings and benedictions
are given with the right hand.[...]
This right-left
symbolism of the hand occurs several times. The right hand is associated
with cleanliness and the left, with dirt, and in some countries to
offer someone your left hand is an insult.

Hands, as an
extension of the will and of the intention, carry a great power. In the
practice of "Laying on of Hands," they are used as agents of healing
energies." (ISS)
" Definition of HAND OVER HEAD (archaic) : without heed of what one is really doing : rashly, recklessly"
"The laying on of hands is a religious ritual that accompanies certain religious practices, which are found throughout the world in varying forms.[...]

In Christian churches, this practice is used as both a symbolic and formal method of invoking the Holy Spirit primarily during baptisms and confirmations, healing services, blessings, and ordination of priests, ministers, elders, deacons, and other church officers, along with a variety of other church sacraments and holy ceremonies.[...]
Aaron and the High Priests who succeeded him symbolically transferred the sins of the Children of Israel to a sacrificial goat by the laying on of hands: Leviticus16:21.[...]

The laying on of hands, known as "the Royal Touch" or "the Divine Touch," was performed by kings in England and France, and was believed to cure scrofula
(also called "King's Evil" at the time), a name given to a number of
skin diseases. The rite of the king's touch began in France with Robert II the Pious, but legend later attributed the practice to Clovis as Merovingian founder of the Holy Roman kingdom, and Edward the Confessor in England. The belief continued to be common throughout the Middle Ages but began to die out with the Enlightenment. Queen Anne was the last British monarch to claim to possess this divine ability, though the Jacobite pretenders also claimed to do so. The French monarchy continued to believe and perform the act up until the French Revolution. The act was usually performed at large ceremonies, often at Easter or other holy days."
Just a few of the hundreds of Mudras
and partial meanings |
Also, I'm not going to go into hand
signs and signals in this post, but before people go running around
screaming about how the Beatles were making signs of the devil and 666
and whatnot in some of their photos, please do a little research on the
Yogic Mudras, which are various hand formations, "When used in Yogic
practices, Mudras not only help to focus the mind on abstract ideas and
the intention behind the pose [...]." (ISS)
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