Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Let's look at a couple more readings to play around a little.

IONEIXHE DIE is the famous phrase that occurs when you hold a mirror up to the drumhead on the Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album. Credit for the drumhead art is given to "Joe Ephgrave".

Using a rune system and the numerological meanings from Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia, which includes further definition from Aleister Crowley's Sephir Sepherot we can look into the dimensional vibrations behind these phrases and images. I'm struggling how to include all the information without making the post hard to follow, so I will be listing the Runes by name, number, image and meaning at the bottom of this post; so you can look at the bottom for the image and info on each Rune.

My first reading of the phrase using shape and letter association
 with the Runes, adding the total value

So, the first way I examined it was using the Runes "Is" (a Rune that looks like a 1 or I) and "Giffuu" (a Rune That looks like an X) to represent the 1's and X; otherwise I just aligned each letter with it's corresponding rune and applied the number value for each, adding it up.

 The first number I get to is 680 which vibrates with the following meanings:
-Thirty Vermin

If I add one from "Doarnn" (Thorn shaped Rune) which means "inception" we get 681:
-A Joyful noise, battlecry

If I replace the runes for the "I"'s and "X" with the runes that have that number value of 1 and 9 I get 276.

Some of the meanings of 276:
-The moon
-Goetic Demon #49

If I use "Is" with the value of 7 but replace the runes spelling out "One" with the rune "Doarnn" (which has the value of 1) and replace the runes representing the "IX" with the rune that has the value of 9 "Ing" (shaped like 2 arrows crossed over each other with an open, diamond-shaped center), keep the Runes "Aeggle" and "An" for "He" and spell Die with the rune that represents the letter D "Dea" (X-shaped rune connected on the sides) and the rune that represents the sound, "ie" which is called "Anis" and looks a bit like a phoenix. (I can actually keep it the same as originally worked out with the letter runes and get the same result, because Die adds up to 51 either way) I get 113.

Some of the meanings of 113:
-Likewise, the same
-Female gender
-A giving away, a remitting (Def. cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment).)
-A stream, brook

Now, if I rework the equation keeping it all the same, but replace the rune "IS" that is representing the first I in the phrase with the rune "Doarnn" which has the number value of 1 I get the number 107. 

Some of the meanings of 107:
-Star of David
-Chain; Flaming arrow [Note- the Angel in the Ecstasy of St. Teresa sculpture featured in an earlier post had a flaming arrow]
-An Egg

Now, we can add another "Doarnn" rune with the number value of 1 to see what is behind the inception, and we get 108. I think an added justification for adding the one to this number is the instrument Paul holds, which looks like a one.

Some meanings of 108:
-The ears
-A wall
-To force, to do wrong to
-to love very much
-the middle [where Paul and his instrument is]
-to shut up, obstruct
-to measure out; deceivingly tall
-Masculine gender
-A giant: "the lust of God"

So, now I got all these meanings, but I forgot something...there is another symbol in that phrase, isn't there? The diamond shaped image that is pointing up at Paul? That looks like the Rune "Yar" (a rune with a line through the middle and a triangle on both sides, slightly unmatched) turned on it's side, and has the number value of 3. I will rework each of the above numbers now adding the 3.

680+3= 683, some of the meanings of which are: 
-The world of Nobility
-The Divine of Archetypal World

113+3= 116:
-Emplacement (Def. 1. A prepared position, such as a mounting or silo, for a military weapon. 2. The act of putting into a certain position; placement.)
-The Munificent Ones (Def. 1. Very liberal in giving; generous. 2. Showing great generosity)

276+3= 279:
-Bull, victim, offering
-the Snakey Ones

If I subtract 1 from the above (from the rune Doarnn which means inception when added, but "bringing and end to" when subtracted) and get 278:
-Cherubs, Angelic choir

If I add 3 to the 107 I get 110:
-with, by, near
-resemblance, image, like
-Banner, sign, standard
-right hand or side
-Cherubic signs; (See inset image for this because I can't get the font to make the symbols)**
-At the end of days, right hand

Also, for Fun I checked out the meaning of the number 119, since thats what the message is saying the number is and we get the following meanings:
-Lydian Stone (touchstone; a stone that was used to test the purity of gold and silver)
-Beelzebub- the Fly God

Ok, so there's all that. That's a lot of information. I just want to do one more. "Joe Ephgrave" the mysterious artist of this Drumhead. What does his name mean?

So, first reading of this name I Spell out the name using runes chosen by sound and letter. For J I use the Rune "Yar, which represents also the letter J"=3, For "oe" I use the Rune "Os, which represent the letter O"=70. For Epgrave in this first reading I use "An, representing the letter E"=40, "Fay-oh, representing the ph sound"=80 at a lower frequency and 800 at the higher frequency, G is represented by the Rune "Yar"=3, which when used backwards as "ray" is used for the "ra" for another 3, and the Rune "Eel, representing the letter V"=6. When I add this 3+70+40+80+3+3+6= 205. 

Some meanings of 205:
-Mighty Hero
-Mountain (Splendorous) [Holy Mountain? does Joe Ephgrave have a connection to Alejandro Jodorowsky? Just a thought]

If we add one (Doarnn- Beginnings) we get 206:
-To see, observe, perceive, consider

If we subtract one (Doarnn- Endings) we get 204:

Ok, so now let's break things up a bit. If we look at just the portion of the equation that spells out "Ephgrave" and add that up with the lower and higher meanings of the Rune "Fay-oh" (the one representing "ph" with 80/800) we get two numbers, 132 and 852. 

-To make waste; to deceive

852 doesn't carry much meaning on it's own, but when you subtract one (ending) you get 851: Souls
When you add one (beginnings) you get 853: Orchard [Apple?]

Now, another way I worked this equation was looking at Ephgrave differently, spelling out the "grave" part a little more. The first three rune-letter combinations stay the same, but for R I use the R-shaped Rune "Ret"=200, for A I use the rune representing that letter, "Eck"=1, for V I use the rune representing that letter "Eel"=6 (** see below) and I seal up the ending E by using the rune "An" (shaped like an M), representing that letter=40. 
I miswrote the number value for "Eel" V as 3- should be 6. Happy accident, it led me to another way of seeing this, so I'll run the numbers corrected, but I'm not fixing this image...

So from this I get two equations, "40+80+3+200+1+6+40= 370" or "40+800+3+200+1+6+40=1,050"

-To Rule
-A foundation, Basis
-To read, cut, blame, curse

Now, the nearest meaning to the number 1,050 is held in the number 1,047, which I actually came up with first (because I miscalculated the "Eel"6 as a 3)...but that meaning is examinable if we subtract 3, because 3 represents mirror...and a Mirror is half of the "artist" in this creation. If we remove the mirror, we only have Ephgrave drumhead, giving us the following numbers:


-Diaphragma Supra [A Drumhead is a diaphragm, is it not?]

Now, if I add back in the 73 that comes from the first name "Joe" I get the numbers 440 and 1,120. 

Some of the meanings of 440:
-Collecting or Collective Intelligence
-Whole, complete, simple, pious, innocent, sincere, mild, perfect
-The Great Dragon


Now...this is an example of how you work this...you try various things out, adding things up different ways to see what you end up with. I've found lots of interesting clues, but I still feel like "Joe Ephgrave could be worked out a little bit more. 

One thing that I would like to point out, though, before I list the meanings of each rune used in this session is the meaning of the rune "Yar", which was used 3 times in my initial reading of "Joe Ephgrave" and two times in the second reading of that name. One of the meanings of Yar is "Mirror, House of Mirrors" ;)

"Doarnn" has the value of 1 and the meaning "Inception" and can be added and subtracted from equation to put them into motion, or bring them to a halt. 
"Is" represents letter I; Number: 7
Is: Isis, ice, Rainbow Bridge, constriction, standstill, pausing before pulse, gravity force, delay, blockage, stilling of action, denotes a need for sacrifice, be prepared for signs of change, "The more you know the more dangerous you are",

"Fay-oh" represents the letter O; Number 70
Os: Osiris, speaking mouth, orator, bard, wisdom, learning, shamanism, inspiration, ecstasy  truth being spoken, learning, teaching, finding a master or guide, word, Wyrrd, head. 

"Naid" represents the letter N; Number 60
Naid: Need, firestick and bow, change, transformation, angular momentum, delays, constraint, plan carefully, transform negativity, seek the help of others, Measurement, That Which Moves Around It.

"An" represents the letter E; Number 40
An:  Horse, the physical body, transport, balance, movement, carriage, transit, swiftness, progress, denotes loyalty and devotion

"Giffuu" represents the letter/shape X; number 400
 Giving, charity, sharing, love of home and family, sharing, partnership, union, giving with much joy and love, bring balance to relationships.

"Aeggle" represents the letter H; Number 5
Aeggle: Hail, harsh agent of change, bad conditions, breath, loss or damage, act of God, natural disaster that promotes change, bad weather
"Dea" represents the letter D; Number 4
Dead: Day, hope, highest good, polarity of light and dark, polarization, period of prosperity, breakthrough, inspiration, Great Self Change, challenges ahead.

"Ing" represents the sounds "ing"; Number 9
Ing: Here, God, Consort of Earth Goddess, generative force, creative power, great potential energy, sexuality, magic, new path, heroism, divine guide, emergence from habit.
"Anis" represents the sound/letter combination IE; Number 47
Anis: Waves, coming in/coming out, Unstoppable force, immovable object, penetrating sonic (tone)
"Yar" represents the letters G and J; Number 3
Yar: Seasonal cycle, marriage of heaven and earth, hypercube/hologram, A years time, Unit, a fertile season, beneficial outcome of harvest or labors, reward for hard work, the unfolding moment, MIRROR

"Fay-oh" represents the letter/sound of F or ph; Number 80 and 800
Fay-oh: Wealth, cattle, power, status, possessions, prosperity, fulfillment of material desires, rewards, maintaining prosperity, use wealth wisely

"Eel" represents the letter V (and Y); Number 6
Eel: Eel grass, horns, ward off evil through knowledge, protection, the bridge, Pull of project/energy, and Unseen Peril, a warning to look before you leap, "control ones emotions", take care, use spirit. 

"Ret" represents the letter R; Number 200
Ret: Riding, music, Movement, rhythm, action, traveling, moving, communication from afar, reunion, listen to your inner self, be free to move. 

"Eck" represents the letter A; Number 1
Eck: Oak, trust, of practical value, promise fulfilled, charge, renewal of old strength, remembering past experience, trustworthy advice, purpose, strengthen

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Help me lord, please To rise a little higher, hmm

Let's look at the "Help" album through another lense. I've read some wonderful analyses of the cover of the "Help" album referring to the positions the Beatles are holding with their bodies that address the semaphore configurations in the context of a banishing ritual,as well as the positions as they relate to Aleister Crowley's magical poses and the Passion Play of Osiris. The following analysis is not intended to detract from the above theories, which I really enjoy. Rather, the following assessment is going to show a secret way to view all information using a combination of Runes and Numerology (pulling from the Cabbalah and Aleister Crowley's Sephir Sepheroth).

Runes are multidimensional decoders. They hold a shape, represent a letter, resonate at a sound vibration, correlate to a numeric frequency and have meanings on many, many levels. I'm going to show you how to tap in to their higher functions by decoding "Help" for an example.

There are a couple ways we can look at the "Help" album cover through the Runic lense: We spell out "Help" with runes by letter or sound vibrations. Let's do that, first:

H corresponds to the Rune "Aeggle" and has the number value of 5.
E corresponds to the Rune "An (also En or On)" and has the number value of 40, but also has a higher frequency vibration of 600.
L corresponds to the Rune "Leguu" and has the number value of 30.
Rune "L" Leguu= 30
P corresponds to the Rune "Payuurt" which also has a lower value of 80 and a higher frequency of 800.
Rune "H" Aeggle=5
Rune "E" An= 40/600

Rune "P" Payuurt= 80/800
   Now, to determine the higher meanings of the word "Help" as we are viewing it in this configuration, we do a little math. Two of the Runes have 2 different numbers, though! One lower vibration, one higher vibration. We will run each possible equation, using each possible combination of letters. After getting a number, I will consult with Callabalistic numerology and the Sephir Sepheroth for further definition. 

First Evaluation: 5+40+30+80= 155
Second Evaluation: 5+600+30+80=715
Third Evaluation: 5+40+30+800= 875
Fourth Evaluation: 5+600+30+800=1435
So, we see that "Help" gives us 4 layers of frequency vibrations, from low to high. When we are looking to decipher the numbers, sometimes we will want to add or subtract the number 1, as 1= the Rune "Dhoarnn" which means "Inception, to begin" when added, or "to end" when subtracted. 
Rune "Dhoarnn"=1 can be added or
155= Fowl (Birds are the most common type of word used in the Beatles lyrics, second is food). 
155+1 (Inception)= Babalon. Aleister Crowley's Babalon. (bring it about)

715= Secret. Also, Perfumed/Fumigated. (Fumigate...thats like pesticide...what you'd do to kill bugs, like beetles. Keep that a secret. Fumigate can also be interpreted as banishment).

875+1= Fowl (again!) 

Vibrating at the highest frquency
1435+1 (inception)= Prince of Peace
1435-1 (cease)= The Black Ones. 

So, from looking at "Help" just spelled out by basic Number/Letter associations we find reference to the most common type of word in the Beatles Lexicon, "fowl" or Birds."[Birds'] primary symbolic function is as messengers from the spiritual realms, from the gods. Arguably, the generic symbolism of the bird is one of the most universal of any."" <Birds Post>  . We also find reference to the Babalon Rising project carried out by Jack Parsons and Robert J. Oppenheimer, as originally described by Aleister Crowley.We find reference to the secret death of a bug (Beetle), and finally, at the higher level, we see that they are inciting the Prince of Peace, while at the same time ending the energy of The Black Ones (dark powers?)

That's one way to examine it. Another way to examine it it to look a the shapes their bodies are making. 
George is in the shape of the Rune "Sdar" which has the number value of 9
John is in the shape of the Rune "Eel" (which is also associated with the letters y and v) which has the number value of 6
Paul is in the shape of the Rune "Leguu" (turned upside down, slightly straightened...runes are multidimensional like that) and has the number value of 30
Rune "Eel"= 6
Ringo is in the Rune shape of "Naid" and had the lower frequency of 50 and the higher frequency of 700. 
Rune "Leguu" = 30
Rune "Sdar"= 9
Rune "Naid" = 50, higher 700

(Sorry, formatting photos is not my specialty)

When we calculate the numbers, we will have 2 equations because of the higher and lower frequencies of the Rune "Naid"
9+6+30+50= 95 which relates to: "The Great Stone", the waters, Multitude, Abundance, Journey, Queen
The higher vibration equation 9+6+30+700= 745, which, when adding the number 1 for "inception" gives us "The Names"

So, it this section of the reading, we see reference to the "Great Stone" (Standing Stone? Rolling Stones? Get Stoned? ;). Water is a huge theme for the beatles, as well, and one has to consider all the fame that occurred for them as they crossed the waters. Why, it gave them Multitudes and Abundance, didn't it? The Queen approved. 
At the highest frequency we find the term, "The names". This is telling us how to look deeper. Each of the runes represents the names of each of the individuals. Let's look at that. 

George- "Sdar": Star, guide through the darkness, Talisman, luck, Warrior God Tyr, Denotes action and Warrior Energy, a guiding force, creativity, good advice at work (http://thenorsegods.com/tyr/)

John- "Eel": Eel grass (grass...weed?), horns, ward off evil through knowledge, protection, the bridge, Pull of project/energy, and Unseen Peril, a warning to look before you leap, "control ones emotions", take care, use spirit. 

Paul- "Leguu": Water, wave sea, primal growth, unpredictable natural force, Shepards Crook*, Unseen forces at work- undercurrent, vital elementary energy of adaptability, use second sight, lunar nature. 

Ringo- "Naid": Need, firestick and bow, change, transformation, angular momentum (how do drums sticks behave after they have struck?), delays (who was always sick?), constraint, plan carefully, transform negativity, seek the help of others (was replaced when he couldn't play in australia), Measurement (the function of percussion), That Which Moves Around It. 

Interesting insights to the individuals, no?

so what might the boys have been trying to conjure with their body formations? Well, spelling it out using the rune sounds and letters might give us a clue: "Sdar-y LeguuNaid"..."Starry Legends"

Now, I could go further into many of these aspects I've presented so far, but I'm trying to keep this lesson straightforward. 

I do have one last thing, though. I noted that there was one more rune configuration to be examined by their postures. If you transposed John over George, you would get another Rune, "Iar" (pronounced like air...where are they in this photo?)so that rune carries the value of 70. Let's run the numbers again, replacing George and Johns separate runes with the combined energy of this one rune. 

70+30+50= 150: A walking shoe, Thine eye, Nest, to darken/dim, wing/skirt/winged

Rune "Iar" = 70
the higher frequency equation 70+30+700= 800:  which is interpreted as: Bow/Sagitarrius (look up the astrological function of the Sag), Rubies/Jewels (what what the main prop in Help? a ruby ring), Nest (where do fowl sleep? where did John sleep?), Ram, Thorn Enclosure, The Rainbow of Promise. 

So, now that we've looked at this in two different configurations, lets consider how they are playing on each other. We have one that is comprised soley of the simple message, "Help". This gave us an idea of what it was they were doing. Then we have a configuration based on them as individuals, and the sum of their total, which is who they are. Lastly, we have a configuration of them as a group, with two acting as one. 

Let's look at the meaning of "Iar": World Tree, adaptability, of two worlds, magical protection, warns to be ready and adaptable, don't be stubborn, obey laws of nature, change of environment. 

Lets look a little further into the waters, shall we?
Note that the Rune, "Iar" (The asterix shaped rune) becomes a hexagon when you connect the outer points. So, here we have... a hexagon in the air

Also note that the position of Paul's letter remains the same in both readings: Leguu...Leg. Where does Paul get stuck with the injection needle in the movie? In his leg. He has feet down below his knees...and a leg, as well.

Also note the heavy relation of Leguu with the water. Walruses live in the water. but...so do Hippos. But Hippos Live among the Eel grass, Rabbits Eat grass. Birds Fly Around, but the Rabbit kept the measurement of time.

And Lastly (for now) I'll run more example.

I was asked by Dr. Tomoculous to look at the symbols on Paul's hand in this image. I see a scarab, a Shepards crook (Leguu) and an X.

You can look back at the meaning of Leguu for interpretation of that. Remember, it =30.
Now, We could look for interpretation of the X on this site:

Or we can read it as the Rune shaped like an X, "Giffuu" which has the value of 400 and means: Giving, charity, sharing, love of home and family, sharing, partnership, union, giving with much joy and love, bring balance to relationships.

Now, adding the numbers 30+400= 430: The lowest part of the Tripartate soul, Rameses, Mound, "The righteous is the foundation of the world"

So...we have a mound (Fool on the hill), Rameses, with his scarab and shepards crook, and one of 3 parts of the soul...the lowest.

So...what kind of Sigil do you think he was working?

So sorry! Chaotic wisdom often comes out sporadically, and so I return to show more.

First, I will give the meaning for the Runes that comprise the word "Help" by letters (Aeggle, An, Leguu, Payuurt); but for these, look not so much at them as individuals, but as a combined energy:

Aeggle (The N shaped rune with 2 middle lines): Hail, harsh agent of change, bad conditions, breath, eagle, loss or damage, act of God, natural disaster that promotes change, bad weather. (see my posts about Rain and Moondog for further insights)
An (The M shaped Rune): Horse, the physical body, transport, balance, movement, carriage, transit, swiftness, progress, denotes loyalty and devotion. (See Horse for more insights)
Leguu (the Upside down L shaped Rune, also resembles shepards crook): Water, wave sea, primal growth, unpredictable natural force, Shepards Crook*, Unseen forces at work- undercurrent, vital elementary energy of adaptability, use second sight, lunar nature.
Payuurt (the C shaped Rune with opened endings): Tune, Bridge, Harp (Egyptian), society, company, occult, divination, dice cup, denotes occult initiation, deep joy and transformation, questing, an inner search, FATE.

Now, let's go back over the Runes as "The names" (the first set of runes to be assessed at the top: George=Sdar, John=Eel, Paul=Leguu, Ringo=Naid)

Sdar (the arrow shaped rune) is also symbolic of the zodiac sign Sagittarius, which is interesting because the sum of the highest frequency of that runic configuration when combining George and John into Iar is also Sagittarius.

Eel (the Rune that looks like the inside of a peace sign turned upside down) is the Rune that represents the Lovers card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

Leguu (L-shaped) represents the Major Arcana card, The Hanged Man.

Naid (the straight line with the diagonal cross rune) Represents the Major Arcana Tarot card, Temperance.

Mmm. Ok. I think thats it for this...I hope. :)